Here at PSC we have been doing the hard work of trawling through the four UK-wide party manifestos to see how the different platforms match up with our priorities, as laid out in our PSC manifesto.
We have rated each manifesto on how well the policies could potentially enhance our five indicators of a psychologically healthy society:
For each of these, the parties have a traffic light rating
These ratings are based on comparing our manifesto policies to the party manifestos, and then combining ratings under each indicator. We have taken each manifesto at face value, so we have not assessed how credible or trustworthy the pledges are.
Remember when deciding on your vote to consider the situation in your constituency, as well as the national picture.
If your seat was close in the last election between the top two parties, then it may be worth choosing between those two parties so you can influence the result directly. If you are in a safe seat, where one party has a large majority, then it can be safer to vote for smaller parties who you may agree with, but are unlikely to win overall.
We have rated each manifesto on how well the policies could potentially enhance our five indicators of a psychologically healthy society:
For each of these, the parties have a traffic light rating
These ratings are based on comparing our manifesto policies to the party manifestos, and then combining ratings under each indicator. We have taken each manifesto at face value, so we have not assessed how credible or trustworthy the pledges are.
Remember when deciding on your vote to consider the situation in your constituency, as well as the national picture.
If your seat was close in the last election between the top two parties, then it may be worth choosing between those two parties so you can influence the result directly. If you are in a safe seat, where one party has a large majority, then it can be safer to vote for smaller parties who you may agree with, but are unlikely to win overall.
See our workings here